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Godzilla vs. Kong, also known as "Apex" is a 2021 American science fiction monster film produced by Legendary Pictures. It is the fourth installment in the MonsterVerse, after 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and serves as a sequel to both King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

But when Jia shows up to the biodome and offers him a doll, the Titan, realizing that he's confined inside, promptly throws a tree at it.

Meanwhile, Bernie Hayes, an employee of the Apex Cybernetics business and presenter of the Titan Truth Podcast, exfiltrates material indicating ominous activity at an Apex facility in Pensacola, but just as he finishes downloading the data, Godzilla appears and strikes unexpectedly. Bernie finds an odd piece of equipment like a huge robotic eye amid the facility's debris during Godzilla's assault.

In the aftermath of the attack, public opinion has turned against Godzilla, who is no longer viewed as humanity's savior. Madison Russell, now grown up and a fan of Bernie's podcast, sees the news about Godzilla's recent attack at her school and is worried. After school, she tries unsuccessfully to talk sense into her widowed father Mark (who is acting as Monarch's director), regarding a possible lead on the cause of Godzilla's rampage, but he dismisses everything she says as he only replies that creatures, just like people, can change. Later, Madison enlists the help of her best friend Josh Valentine to investigate the one behind Godzilla's rampage and figure out the secrets of Apex.

Meanwhile, Apex's founder and CEO, Walter Simmons, hires Nathan Lind, a former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist, to assist them in their hunt for a tremendous energy source in the Hollow Earth, a subterranean planet under the Earth and the secret home of the Titans. Nathan is first cautious since his brother attempted to investigate the Hollow Earth, but a powerful anti-gravity field within the tube killed him. After Walter discloses that Apex has constructed and produced Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, specialized vehicles capable of withstanding the gravity field's pressure, he eventually accepts.

Nathan recommends using Kong as their navigator to get them to the energy source since Skull Island can no longer contain him (because Kong has grown too large). When Nathan persuades Ilene, she decides to help stop Godzilla's rampage and find Kong a new home.

When Godzilla is stunned by depth charges, however, their struggle is broken up, allowing Kong to surface for air.

Because they can't bring Kong back to Skull Island because of the cold, Nathan asks Ilene whether Kong would go down the tube if there are others like him. Ilene advises Jia to inquire about Kong's family's whereabouts.

Meanwhile, Madison and Josh track down Bernie, who recognizes Madison as Mark's daughter and joins their inquiry, believing Apex is to blame for Godzilla's altered behavior. They slip inside the devastated Apex headquarters together, only to discover that Bernie's "eye" is no longer there. When they accidentally imprison themselves in an antigravity transport truck delivering Skullcrawler eggs down an underground tube to Hong Kong, they find a mysterious facility deep beneath.

In that location, the three disembark and find themselves inside a vast dark chamber, where they come across Apex's ultimate weapon, "Mechagodzilla" a mechanized counterpart of Godzilla controlled by Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's son, Walter's chief technology officer Ren Serizawa, who is also Walter's chief technology officer. As soon as Mechagodzilla is launched, Walter releases a gigantic adult Skullcrawler designated "Number 10" into the chamber in order to put the mecha's might against the Titans to the ultimate test. Madison, Josh, and Bernie are on the brink of being attacked by the Skullcrawler when it is captured and detained by Mechagodzilla, who uses a tremendous red energy beam to slice the Skullcrawler in two, enabling Madison, Josh, and Bernie to take refuge in a tiny hatch. However, because to the restrictions of the power source, the test is cut short when the mecha shuts down immediately after the conclusion of the exam.

Kong and Nathan's crew discover a similar ecology to Skull Island within the Hollow Earth. They are unexpectedly assaulted while traversing the area by a pair of Warbats, with one of the HEAVs being destroyed. Kong was able to rescue the party by killing the first Warbat and swinging its carcass onto the second, knocking it unconscious. However, the beast recovers and constricts itself around Kong. Before the Warbat has a chance to suffocate Kong, the creature is hit by missiles fired from Nathan's team's HEAV, allowing Kong to escape and savagely beat the monster to death before feeding on the Warbat's intestines.

After that, Kong and Nathan's team keep going on their journey. They reach their destination at a huge stone temple that once belonged to Kong's ancestors. In the movie, Kong finds an ancient axe made from the dorsal plate of a dead member of Godzilla's race as he explores inside. Then, he sits on top of a huge throne on the inside of the cave. Kong learned that the same power source that Nathan's team found can also recharge the axe. The Apex team, on the other hand, uses spider-like drones to get the power source and send it back to their base in Hong Kong, even though Ilene says that Apex can't just take the power source. Maia has her guards aim their guns at Nathan's team, only for Kong to angrily bellow at them in their defense. In the meantime, Mechagodzilla sends Godzilla a signal. When Godzilla senses the machine's activation, he heads right for Hong Kong.

When Godzilla issues his challenge, Kong accepts it and starts traveling to Hong Kong with his axe, with Ilene, Nathan, and Jia trailing behind in their HEAV, a hole created by Godzilla's atomic breath. After a rematch with Godzilla in Hong Kong, Kong is able to get the upper hand and jam his axe down Godzilla's throat, thereby preventing him from unleashing his atomic breath once again. Kong uses his axe to stab Godzilla in the leg, but Godzilla pulls the axe from of Kong's grasp and throws it away. Following his recovery, Kong attacks Godzilla with his axe, generating an explosion that forces the two Titans back, giving Nathan the idea that Kong had won the second round of the fight against Godzilla, which is incorrect.

As if impressed by Kong's resilience and prowess, Godzilla shows mercy and spares his rival's life before walking away, leaving Kong alive but badly injured as he eventually loses consciousness due to commotio cordis.

The energy source and Ghidorah's brain networks cause Mechagodzilla to go berserk, killing Walter with a sweep of its hand and electrocuting Ren. Mechagodzilla escapes the Apex facility under Victoria Peak Mountain and rampages around the city before Godzilla tackles it. As Mechagodzilla approaches Godzilla, it begins a missile barrage at its biological counterpart.

While Josh and Bernie unsuccessfully try to deactivate the rampaging robot remotely and Madison tries to call up Mark for help, Godzilla, despite having already grown weary from his earlier battle against Kong, and Mechagodzilla battle, at one point both fire their energy beams at each other which lock together, only for Mechagodzilla to gain the upper hand, knocking Godzilla over and burning him. While Mechagodzilla continues to overwhelm and badly beat Godzilla, Nathan, Ilene, and Jia approach an unconscious Kong, where Jia senses that his heartbeat is slowing down. Ilene explains that they can't produce a charge big enough to restart Kong's heart, but Nathan, having remembered what Maia said earlier about the HEAVs producing a charge big enough to power Las Vegas for a week, flies the remaining HEAV onto Kong's chest and sets it to self-destruct, detonating the craft and releasing a huge electrical charge which instantly revives Kong.

After waking up, Kong sees the fight between Godzilla and Mechagodzilla before meeting up with Jia, who attempts to persuade Kong that Godzilla isn't his true foe. Though Kong does not believe her at first as he continues to witness Godzilla being defeated by Mechagodzilla, Jia eventually discloses the truth to him, revealing that the robot, not Godzilla, is the "real" adversary. Kong ultimately accepts and puts his animosity aside before going into combat to assist Godzilla while repairing his dislocated limb.

Working together, the two Titans are able to reverse the tide, but the robot proves to be much more powerful than their combined might and ultimately defeats them both. Kong recovers his axe from the wreckage after having misplaced it during his earlier battle against Godzilla. He then attacks Mechagodzilla with it, but his weapon is rendered ineffective by the robot's tail drill, which attempts to fatally impale Kong with its tail drill. Kong is killed by the robot's tail drill. As it seems like all hope is gone for Kong and Godzilla at this point, Bernie, understanding that he and the others are powerless, takes out a flask of vodka and suggests that they all have a drink. Godzilla and King Kong are able to recover and regain the upper hand after Josh snatches the flask from Bernie's grasp and accidentally short-circuits Mechagodzilla's controls by pouring the contents of the drink all over the control panel. This allows Godzilla and King Kong to recover and regain the upper hand.

Later, Monarch erected an observatory in the Hollow Earth. When Nathan and Jia happen to get a glimpse of Kong on his morning ramble, Ilene and Nathan are the first to notice him. Kong rushes onto a cliff, banging his chest and embracing Jia as his new home and realm in his screaming proclamation of himself as King of the Hollow Earth.

The film has several references to Neon Genesis Evangelion:

Eva Unit-02, like Godzilla, also leaps from ship to ship to evade an angel in a sequence that is reminiscent of Kong's.

When it comes to the location where Mechagodzilla is housed, it shares a striking similarity to the Central Dogma.


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